Top 10 Famous Search Engines in the World

Top 10 Famous Search Engines in the World

An Internet search engine is a necessity, and almost everyone starts their web browsers by going to a search engine.

Search engines greatly impact people’s everyday lives, and we can say with certainty that they are helping to make people’s lives more accessible, educational, and informed. 

Other search engines besides Google and Bing might not be well known to you, but function similarly to Google and serve millions of searches daily. 

Most of us think that Google is the only search engine on the market today. But there are numerous search engines accessible via the Internet, and however, the search functionalities of every search engine are the same. 

In this guide, you can find the world’s top 10 famous search engines.

What is a Search Engine?

Different keywords can be used to search for information on search engines. Basically, search engines are web scripts, software programs, or any other tool that simplifies researching information on the vast Internet.

Undoubtedly, “Google it” is becoming a serious response to almost every question in the world today. In this sense, search engines are a major alternative for nearly everyone.

How do Search Engines Work?

The working mechanisms of search engines can be divided into three main categories.

  • Crawling – Crawling is when a search engine places a bot on a page or post and reads it.
  • Indexing – Store and organize the crawled content. 
  • Ranking – Ranking refers to a web page’s position on a search engine results page. 

List of Top 10 Famous Search Engines in the World

  1. Google
  2. Amazon
  3. Bing
  4. Yahoo
  5. DuckDuckGo
  6. Youtube
  8. Baidu
  9. Ecosia
  10. Yandex

We have compiled the top ten famous search engines worldwide in this guide. It’s worth checking out!

1. Google – The Best Search Engine Worldwide

Global Search Engine Market Share: 92.18%

We don’t need to be surprised that Google is the site that is the most frequently visited website. According to recent data, approximately 99,000 searches are processed by Google every second.

The relevance and accuracy of Google make it the most trusted search engine among all other search engines. A user can discover high-quality content on this search engine, and search results are generally returned faster than other search engines. 

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Using search engines saves you time in two ways: automating manual searches and speeding up requests.
  • Search results are accurate and relevant due to Google algorithm hidden secrets and machine learning.


  • The cost of paid search is much higher than other search engines.

2. Amazon

Global Search Engine Market Share: 39.7% 

Amazon is an e-commerce marketplace for determining which items will best satisfy customer needs. Customers often use Amazon to compare prices and find products based on their interests.

There is a similarity between Amazon’s search algorithm and Google’s search algorithm, and Amazon has its search engine called A9. 

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Worldwide shipping
  • Increased Efficiency


  • Amazon charges both fulfillment fees and storage fees. Therefore the cost of buying/selling is costly. 

3. Bing

Global Search Engine Market Share: 8.04%

Microsoft Bing (also known as Bing) is a web search engine launched by Microsoft in 2009. The Bing search engine is the second most popular worldwide behind Google.

Bing has a standard search feature that includes images, videos, news, and other content types. In addition, the search engine organizes results into tabs for videos, images, maps, and information, just like Google. There is a significant difference between Bing’s video search and Google’s.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • The most well-known benefit of Bing is image search which offers high-quality images on the result pages. 


  • The load time is longer than Google, which creates a bad user experience.

4. Yahoo

Global Search Engine Market Share: 3.39%

An internet search engine like Yahoo offers a simple user interface, web searches, image searches, and a hierarchy of topic categories. After Google, Yahoo is one of the best-known search engines.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Information on almost any topic imaginable can be found here.
  • The search engine provides detailed organic results and a better search experience than most others.


  • There are undated results along with unclear ad labels in the search results.

5. DuckDuckGo

Global Search Engine Market Share: 0.39%

According to the January 2020 Google Trends report, DuckDuckGo ranks 6th in terms of popularity, making up 0.47% of searches. DuckDuckGo is a private internet search engine dedicated to the online privacy of its users.  

You can open DuckDuckGo in any web browser similar to Google or any other search engine.

Advantages and Disadvantages 


  • Prioritizes your privacy.
  • No personalized target ads.


  • A limited number of integrated services, like Google Maps and Gmail.

6. Youtube

Global Search Engine Market Share: 75.86%

YouTube is the world’s second most popular search engine, with over 3 billion searches processed each month.

The YouTube social network allows users to upload and live stream video content.

Google owns YouTube, so video content hosted on YouTube ranks well on Google. YouTube search traffic can be captured by creating videos related to topics people are searching for or talking about.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • You can use it for free
  • Streaming and uploading videos are free on YouTube.


  • A lot of inappropriate content has been uploaded as well
  • It is too difficult to gain exposure


Global Search Engine Market Share: 0.72% is the world’s seventh-leading popular search engine. The search engine allows users to perform searches in the form of questions.

The search engine receives up to 13 million questions a day, making it one of the most popular for questions and answers. The search engine on this site enables people to find pages they are looking for by typing in the topic they are searching for.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • The system provides high bandwidth efficiency.
  • ASK can be modulated and demodulated at relatively low costs.


  • It offers a general search function, but its results aren’t as good as Google or Bing’s.

8. Baidu

Global Search Engine Market Share: 7.34%

As of now, the leading search engine in China is Baidu and can be compared to Google outside China. Among the world’s top search engines, Baidu is the fourth largest. 

A world leader in artificial intelligence and the Internet, Baidu is a leading company in these fields. 

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • In terms of displaying detailed and relevant content, Baidu doesn’t disappoint.
  • The service offers much more than just paid search.


  • People without Baidu accounts still have a hard time downloading large files.

9. Ecosia

Global Search Engine Market Share: 0.11%

The Ecosia search engine is based in the German capital Berlin. A 100% donation of its profits is made to reforestation nonprofits. As a result, just by using the search engine, you can make a difference to the environment.

 Like other search engines, we monetize through ads, but we use 100% of our profits for the planet. 150 million trees have already been planted in more than 35 countries by the Ecosia community.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • It also enables you to help the environment for free.
  • The search results on Ecosia are excellent.


  • The search results aren’t very relevant to the search query.

10. Yandex

Global Search Engine Market Share: 1.53%

Yandex is the fifth largest search engine. The Yandex search engine is one of the most popular products of Yandex, a Russian company.

Besides being one of the most important Russian search engines, it is also involved in several other internet-related technologies. We use different search engines where we can type anything in the search bar. 

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Yandex’s search engine can be adapted to different countries and localities.
  • Because Yandex has an international perspective, it offers localized search results.


  • The search engine Yandex also collects and exploits user data like many others.
  • It contains a very large amount of content. It distracts the attention of the user. 

Final Words

A search engine’s importance in our lives cannot be overstated. See the article above on the top 10 famous search engines worldwide and choose the most appropriate one that suits your needs.

Extra Bonus Search Engine List that You Would Love to Read

  1. Naver
  2. AOL
  3. Seznam
  4. Yippy
  5. CC Search
  6. Gibiru
  7. Search Encrypt
  8. StartPage
  9. Swisscows
  10. Ecosia
  11. Gigablast
  12. Lycos
  13. Mojeek
  14. Searx
  15. WebCrawler
  16. WolframAlpha
  17. Neeva
  18. MetaGer
  19. Qwant
  20. Qmamu
  21. You
  22. Oscobo
  23. Infinity Search
  24. YEP
  25. Anoox

Social Network-Specific Advance Search Engines

  1. Facebook Search
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Twitter
  4. Brave

Image Search Engines

  1. Flickr
  2. Pinterest
  3. Bing Image
  4. Google Image
  5. TinEye
  6. Wikimedia Commons

Video Search Engine

  1. YouTube
  2. Dailymotion
  3. Vimeo
  4. LBRY
  5. PeerTube
  6. DTube
  7. BitTube
  8. BitChute
  9. Twitch
  10. MetaCafe
  11. The Internet Archive